Why Some Steroid Shots Hurt?
High Mg per ML Roids?
1. Most hormones have a pretty low solubility in oil.
2. The primary ways to increase solubility are to
A) add solvent (BA or EA).
B) Add an ester to the hormone. The longer the ester
the more hormone will fit in the oil at a certain mg
per ml ratio. Conversely, the weight of the ester is
also factored in the total mg per ml ratio, so while
you can fit more hormone in, you are getting less
actual hormone than the mg amount implies. Here are
some examples:
Ester actual mg/100mg dose
test no ester 100
tren acetate 87
test prop 83
test enanth 72
test cyp 70
test undecan 63
nand phenyl 67
nand deca 64
This means that if your test cyp says 200 mgs per ml
you get an actual 140 mgs of test. The rest of the
weight is the weight of the ester. If that sounds like
a bad deal you need to understand that test no ester
is VERY insoluble in oil without going to very high mg
per ml solvent concentrations.