Product News

  • Best Practices For Storing Peptides

    Correct storage practices can maintain peptides for years and guard against contamination, oxidation, and degradation that may render your peptides, and therefore experiments, useless. While some peptides are more susceptible to degradation than others, knowing and implementing the best practices for peptide storage can greatly lengthen their stability and integrity regardless of composition.

    2022/11/22 SkyAdmin

  • Base Information of Peptides

    A peptide is a biologically occurring chemical compound containing two or more amino acids connected to one another by peptide bonds. A peptide bond is a covalent bond that is formed between two amino acids when a carboxyl group or C-terminus of one amino acid reacts with the amino group or N-terminus of another amino acid in a condensation reaction

    2022/11/22 SkyAdmin

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